Rockwell Automation Publication 1769-UM022C-EN-P - June 2018
Chapter 4
Configure the Controller
I/O Device Replacement
The Safety tab of the Controller Properties dialog box lets you define how the
controller handles the replacement of an I/O device in the system. This option
determines whether the controller sets the safety network number (SNN) of an
I/O device that it is connected to and has configuration data for when a safety
task signature
Follow these steps to configure how the controller handles the replacement of
an I/O device in the system.
1. Open the Controller Properties dialog box.
2. Click the Safety tab.
3. Select the configure option for the controller to use when replacing
safety I/O.
4. Click OK.
Figure 5 - I/O Device Replacement Options
(1) The safety task signature is a number used to uniquely identify each project’s logic, data, and configuration, thereby protecting
the system’s safety integrity level (SIL). See
Safety Task Signature on page 16
Generate a Safety Task Signature on page 160
for more information.
Enable the Configure Always feature only if the entire routable
CIP Safety control system is not being relied on to maintain SIL 3 during the
replacement and functional testing of a device.
Chapter 5, Communicate Over Networks on page 65