Choosing Module Features
Chapter 3
The mode of module operation that you choose depends on the
application and type of ASCII device. Typically, use data mode when you
are reading data from an ASCII device, such as a bar code reader. Use
report generation mode when you are writing messages to an ASCII data
terminal (Table 2.F).
Table 2.F
Mode of Module Operation
Data Mode
All of your data is converted by the ASCII module and stored in the data
table as a single data type using any one of the following data conver
2 ASCII characters per word
1 ASCII character per word
3 BCD characters per word
4 BCD characters per word
4 Hex characters per word
String length is from 1 to 62 characters
You want to select right to left justified margins and/or data
Report Generation Mode
You want to mix ASCII characters with BCD values. In addition to the
2 ASCII characters per word that your module uses in report generation
mode, you must choose one of the following types of data conversion:
3 BCD characters per word
4 BCD characters per word
String length is from 1 to 999 characters
Your margin is left justified for ASCII data but right justified for BCD val
ues within the ASCII data
Select data mode using code 000, or report generation mode using code
001. Record your selection in IW1(02-04) using the initialization word
form (found at the end of this chapter) or the boxes below.
Mode of
04 03 02
Choosing the Mode of Module
Operation, IW1(0204)