Allen & Heath 17 XONE:42 User Guide
Mix / Monitor Meters
The main meters follow the selected monitor source.
The default display is the post master level, which is
overridden with an input channel level if the channel cue
switch is selected.
In split cue mode, the left master meter will display the
cued channel signal level and the right master meter will
display the mix level. The cued mix audio is pre level to
prevent mismatch due to the position of the master
level control.
The mixer should be operated with these meters aver-
aging around ‘0’ with loudest peaks no higher than ‘+6’.
Mix Master Level Control
A rotary master control adjusts the level of the main
mix XLR outputs feeding the house sound system. This
does not affect the booth output or the meter reading.
Booth Level Control
Adjusts the level of the signal to the stereo booth RCA
output. This does not affect the headphones. The
booth output could be used for a booth monitor, re-
cording or an additional zone feed.