4.0 Control list: 20 points
We suggest to check the following points in order to be absolutely sure to have
made a correct assembly:
1. The dimensions of the gate shall not exceed the maximum limits detailed.
Paragraph 1.1
2. The gate wings shall be able to move correctly by hand with little effort.
3. Actuators shall be fixed in a TOUGH way and shall be perfectly symmetrical.
4. Electric connections shall be carried out with care and attention.
5. In case no photocells were used, connect the terminal No.4 to terminal No.5
through a jumper.
6. In case one or more fuses burnt due to assembly fault, replace them with
others of the same type.
7. Set the power to a value sufficient to move wings. Do not exceed. In case of
strong wind or during the winter season, increase the power – RV1 and RV2-
(paragraph 3.3).
8. Test the safety device, it must be able to promptly intervene and stop the
wings movement.
9. Do not carry out the assembly when children or pets are around.
10. Do not assemble when it rains.
11. The cable ducts shall be well underground: minimum at 40 cm depth.
12. All the clamping screws shall be well tightened.
13. Use cable terminals for electric connections.
14. Address to qualified personnel to have the plant connected to the 230V
mains supply. Provide for a safety magneto-thermal switch of min. 5 Amp. for
the AC supply line. Class II plant, the earthing is not necessary.
15. No maintenance is required, do not oil pistons.
16. Every 3 / 4 months, check the good operation of the manual unlock.
17. Use electric cables for outdoor installation type HO7RNF and nothing else.
18. In case of emergency battery use, possibly choose a well-known brand (2
years average lifetime).
19. Change remote transmitters batteries every 12 months.
20. Use exclusively original spare parts.
Caution: The gate automation is a device with a high technological content both
for the high level of the software used and for the mechanical components
manufactured to achieve a long lifetime. We advise to follow these instructions
with attention and if in doubt, address to our assistance points.
S-The gate does not open when a pulse is given
C- 1. Remote transmitter battery discharged 2. 230V power supply missing
3. Remote transmitter code different from the one of the control unit.
R- 1. Replace the remote transmitter battery or temporarily use the key selector
2. Check the 230V power supply switch or the fuse of the transformer A.0.8.
3. Code the remote transmitter as detailed in paragraph 3.8
S- A motor opens and the other closes
C- 1. M1/M2 wrong connection
R- 1.Invert the connection cables to motors, see Fig.14
S-Motors stops immediately
C- 1.Incorrect power
R- 1. Set power acting on RV1 and RV2 trimmers
S- The gate does not close after opening
C- 1. Photocells jumper, and or photocells alignment. Fuses.
2. START contact closed
R- 1. If no photocells are installed connect the terminal 3 with terminal 4. Align photocells. Check
fuse 5A.
2. Close the gate giving a START pulse. Then try again.
3. START contact permanently active. Check.
S- The blinker does not work
C- 1. Bulb fault
R- 1. Check the 12 V max. 10W bulb.
2. Check 5A fuse.
S- The key selector does not work
C- 1. Connection fault
R- 1. Check electric connections. Fig.14
S- Motors works slowly after some years
C-1. Brushes fault
R-1. Replace electric brushes. Art. R/70
S- 10 amp. Fuse burnt
C- 1. Transformer burnt
2. Short circuit in the motors supply
R- 1. Check the transformer isolation
2. Check motors cables
S- 10 amp. Fuse burnt
C- 1. Blinker fault
2. Photocells fault
R- Check there are no short circuits in the supply of:
1. Blinker 2. Photocells S-Green LED off
C- 1. AC 230 V power supply R- 1. Check 0.8 T Amp. fuse.
2. Check the AC 230V power supply connection