Version: April 2018
manual number: 0009 0420EN
Safety distance to combustible materials
The heaters produce heat by radiation and by combustion gases. It is important to take the following
distances in account from the heaters to combustible materials. This is to avoid fire or overheating. Do
not use the heaters in situations where the distances to combustibles are smaller. Never store gases or
inflammable liquids or easy combustible materials in close vicinity of the heaters.
Safety Distances
to the ceiling (A)
>40 cm
>75 cm
>50 cm
to the ground. (B)
>60 cm
>125 cm
>75 cm
in front of heater (C)
>25 cm
>50 cm
>25 cm
to the back (D)
>20 cm
>50 cm
>20 cm
to side walls (E)
>20 cm
>50 cm
>20 cm
The minimum distance to non-combustible materials depends on the specific local situation. Keep in
mind that there must be sufficient free space left to vent the combustion gases away. Otherwise, they
will influence the combustion and proper function of the heater. On locations where the combustion
gases can vent away easily, a minimum of 25 cm to the ceiling is advisable. Note: Be aware that some
non-combustible materials can be subject to discolouring when they become too hot.
Warning: be careful with the use of heaters in places with storage of manure. Manure can contain large
amounts of methane and other inflammable gases.
These models of appliances are of the so-called type A1. That means that there is no independent air
supply connection and no flue connection. The flue gasses are vented away by the ventilation of the
A proper ventilation is extreme important for safe and convenient operation. Lack of ventilation can
cause production of carbon monoxide (very poisonous). Sufficient ventilation shall be guaranteed by a
monitored fan or by permanent, non-adjustable, ventilation openings. Consult EN13410:2001 for more
Beside other important requirements this standard states in short that a 1,5 times room air replacement
per hour is sufficient in most situations. Also, a maximum of 5W heat input per m3 room content is
considered to be safe. If this is not the case make sure that a minimum of 10m3/h air replacement per
1 kW heat input is guaranteed by means of fans or ventilation openings.
In case local requirements ask for more stringent ventilation, or when animals ask for more ventilation,
always follow the most stringent requirements. In case there are no requirements or standards for
ventilation in the country of installation, a minimum ventilation of 20m3/h per kW heat input is advisable.
Check regularly if fans are working properly and ventilation openings are not closed.
The heaters are intended for suspension only. Mount a chain with a S-hook to the suspension hook of
the heater (only AP-2) or use the two holes in the suspension frame to mount two short chains for making
a hanging triangle (AP-1,3 see picture below). The chain and S-hooks shall be galvanised or made of
stainless steel. Mount the chain to a rigid part of the construction of the building. Do not use the gas line,
gas hose or electric lines for suspension purposes. Never use rope or plastic mounting materials. Place
the S-hooks at such a place that the heater reflector makes an angle of approximately 15 degrees to
the horizontal and with the gas safety device at the lower end. Never hang the heater horizontally while
in that case the flue gases will influence a proper combustion.
The gas safety device can handle a maximum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Be sure that the
heater is not mounted in such a way that this temperature will be reached (e.g. by other heaters in close
vicinity). Take into account the safety distances mentioned on page 3. After installation always check if
the gas type and gas pressure complies with the technical table and data plate information. Remove the
black end cap from the safety device.