AlineA Ltd.
Users Manual
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200S GSM Desktop Phone
You can set up as follows,
T 060030 F1 000000000000 NUM01
T : “060030”, Press“OK”
D 0300015004000200 F1: 000000000000 NUM01
D : “0300015004000200”, Press“OK”
TARIFF 01 D 0300015004000200
F1: 070003000150 NUM01
1st Time section F1 “070003000150”, Press“OK”
TARIFF 01 D 0300015004000200
F2: 202006000300 NUM01
2nd Time section F2 “202006000300”, Press“OK”
TARIFF 01 D 0300015004000200
F3: 220004000200 NUM01
3rd Time section F3 “220004000200”, Press“OK”
TARIFF 01 D 0300015004000200
F4: 240003000150 NUM01
4th Time section F4 “240003000150”, Press“OK” to next step
TARIFF 01 D 0300015004000200 F4: 240003000150
NUM01 1861
After tariff set-up, press“OK”to set up the phone prefix of tariff billing. In GNP set-up
press“CANCEL”to delete the last digit of NO. displayed press“#”to clear. After clearing a
certain NO., press“OK” to delete this NO., view the last part of the GNP and then add NO.,
press“OK”after input of one NO. and then you can input the next NO., maximum 20 GNP
can be set up for each type of tariff after set-up of corresponding GNP of this tariff,
press“BACK”to return to tariff menu press“BACK”to return to set-up menu in tariff menu.
8. Set up incoming call tariff: press "5” to select "TARIFF TABLE", LCD shows tariff menu,
press “UP” or ”DOWN”to find "** RECEIVED CALL ", press “*”+“*” keys to enter the
incoming call tariff set-up. The screen shows tariff set-up, the default is free incoming call
( displays “T :000000” “D :0000000000000000”,”F1:000000000000”), the definition for
tariff format is the same as that in Article 8. Press " CANCEL” to delete the last digit of call
charge, press ”#”to reset the tariff for incoming call, whose tariff can be set up after
clearing. When you need to delete the whole tariff, press “#” to delete T, press “BACK” to
T 000000 F1: 000000000000
D 000000 F1: 000000000000
Press “BACK” to return to tariff menu after the set-up. Press “BACK” in tariff menu to
return to set-up menu
Example 1: TARIFF LEVEL 15 is set up as “060030” “0100005001000050”,
“240001000050” it shows 100 unit will be charged for the first 60 seconds for a call in
working day, holiday or weekend, 50 units will be charged for each 30 seconds
T 060030 F1: 000000000000
TARIFF 15 D 0100005001000050
F1: 240001000050
Example 2: TARIFF LEVEL 15 is set up as“060030”,“0100005001500075”,“240002000100:
T 060030 F1: 000000000000
TARIFF 15 D 0100005001500075
F1: 240002000100
It shows that for working days, 200 units will be charged for the first 60 seconds, and 100
units will be charged for each 30 seconds hereinafter;
For holidays, 100 units will be charged for the first 60 seconds, and 50 units will be
charged for each 30 seconds hereinafter;