AlineA Ltd.
Users Manual
Page 13 of 18
200S GSM Desktop Phone
Appendix 4. Quick reference
1. Press “UP” or “DOWN” to adjust volume loud or small.
Echo during call
2. Network malfunction
Set-up Instructions
This document is not provided to the final user of wireless GSM business phone, it is only
provided to operators distributing the phone. Engineers of related departments shall read
carefully. The password for set-up shall be memorized and confidentiality shall be kept.
I. Enter the set-up procedures
If the customer does not put forward any special requirements, the phone can be set as no
locking of card or no locking of phone when it leaves the factory, And the user insert any
SIM card to login the network and enter standby status.Card locking: add password to SIM
card to limit SIM card’s applications in other types of mobile phone;Phone locking: the
phone only identify SIM card first set up, the phone can not be used when other cards
areapplied;No permit to use other SIM card in this phone;Press " MENU” in hook-on, select
Item 8th " SETTINGS" to enter the set-up procedure.
II. Set up the phone parameters
Hook on, press " MENU”, the display shows main menu list, press “UP” or “DOWN”
to find "8.SETTING", press "8”, the screen shows "ENTER PASSWORD", input 8-digit
password (the initial password for factory leaving is sets up as 30459086). Press "OK”, if
the password is correct, the display shows set-up menu List, otherwise it indicates
"PASSWORD ERROR" and returns to the status of main menu list;
2. Modify set-up information: Press “1” in set-up menu to select “LOCK SETTING”
Input 8-digit numbers WXYZCRIJ to set up locking card, locking phone, whether permit to
receive calls, etc. (the default value is 00001111,i.e., no locking card or phone, allow to
receive calls), press " F1” to return to the set-up menu;
W=0: not locking card, W=1: locking card;
X=0: not locking phone, X=1: locking phone;
I=0: not permit to receive calls, I=1: permits to receive calls;
Y Z C R J are backup digits. Only W,X,I are valid now.
Notes: When W is 1 and X is 1 at the same time, it realizes locking phone and locking card
Short message center set-up: in the set-up menu, press " 2” to select "SMS
CENTER", the display shows "SMS CENTER", press “#”to clear the input line, press “MENU”
to switch input numbers or characters, press‘1’to input ‘+’in character input status, input
SMS center number by pressing number keys in number input status, press "F1” to return
to the set-up menu;
123 SMS 8613800755500
Set up Network Management System: In set-up menu, press “3” to select “NMS
CENTRE”, the LCD shows “NMS CENTRE”, press “#” to clear the input line, press “MENU”
to switch input numbers or characters, press ‘1’ to input ‘+’ in character input status, input
NMS center number by pressing number keys in number input status, press “BACK” to
return to the set-up menu;
123 NMS 8613923760855
5.Set up prefix for barred NO. and DDD prefix, mobile phone prefix,etc: presses "4” in set-
up menu to select " PREFIXED NO.", the LCD shows menu, press " 1", "2", "3” “4” and
“5”to enter respectively the set-up of barred number prefix (BARRED PREFIXES), IDD
prefix ( IDD PREFIXES ) and a DDD prefix ( DDD PREFIXES ), mobile phone prefix MOBILE