Aliaro reserve the right to vary from the description given in this data sheet and shall not be liable for any errors.
Class BusSwitchBoard(__builtin__.object)
Methods defined here:
__init__(self, url=None, devices=None)
Method for instantiating the bsb class
get_bus_configuration(self, bus)
Gets the configuration of the bus
:param bus: (int32) 1..4
get_bus_operation(self, bus, con)
Gets the state of the bus.
:param bus: (int32) 1..4
:param con: (int32) 1..4
set_bus_configuration(self, state, bus)
Sets the configuration of the bus
NOTE! This configuration is only for balanced bus topology (CAN), NOT for serial such as K-
:param state: (int32) 0(Open),
:param bus: (int32) 1..4
set_bus_operation(self, state, bus, con)
Sets the state of the bus.