We would like to inform the installer of the stove about some general instructions that he must adhere to, for proper
installation i.e. for the purpose of proper mounting of the stove. These standards are required, but not entirely. For
further and more precise information, it is required that you read the rest of this instruction manual.
− Connect the stove to the socket with grounding. Figure 9
− Put the switch on the back side of the stove to position 1. Figure 10
− Do not let children or house pets come near the stove.
− Use only pellet fuel, and not some other fuel type.
− Inform all users about the possible risks and dangers and learn them how the operate with the device.
− If the stove has been placed on wooden floor, than it is recommendable to insulate the base where it stands.
The stove functions with a chamber for combustion which is in negative pressure.
For this reason make sure that
the smoke exhaust is thermally sealed, that is
, insulated.
When the stove switches on for the first time, then, due to stabilization of the paining process, a small
quantity of the paint evaporates (it is not harmful to your health) which covers the stove. For this reason it
is necessary to ventilate the room in order to remove the evaporation from the room.
Figure 9 Figure 10
The technicians who work on the maintenance, besides having to adhere to all security measures, they also must:
- always use safety devices and personal protective assets.
- switch off the power supply before the start working.
- always use an appropriate tool
- before they start any types of work on the stove, to make sure that the stove is cold and that the ash is cold as
well. They should especially make sure that the handles are cold, before touching them.
if only one of the safety devices is defective, improperly
set or nonfunctional.
− Do not make any modifications of any type for any reason except for the ones which are allowed and explained by
the manufacturer.
- Always use original spare parts. Never wait for the components to become worn before replacing them. The
replacement of a worn part i.e. component of the stove before it stops working, contributes for the prevention of
injuries caused by an accident due to sudden failure i.e. defect of the component, and this may cause serious
injuries to people and damages to property which is situated around the stove.
− Clean the firebox before igniting the stove.
− Make sure that there is no condensation. If condensation occurs, this is an indicator that water appesred from the
cooling of the smoke. We recommend that you detect the possible causes so that you can establish normal and
proper operation of the stove.
The place where the stove is placed, called the place of mounting, must be prepared in accordance with the local,
national and European regulations.
Thermostat 80ºC
Main switch