Alderon Industries™ - Leading Edge Control Products | 15
VertiMAC™ Pump Switch - USER GUIDE
Sump Pump with Battery Backup
House to Yard
Pump Switch
VertiMAC™ Pump Switch with
Sump Advisor™ Sensor
The diagram below is a typical setup for a sump basin where a VertiMAC
pump switch and VertiMAC™ pump switch with
Sump Advisor™ sensor control a 120VAC or 240VAC operated pump (primary) and a 12VDC operated pump (battery backup).
The primary pump is controlled by the primary VertiMAC™ pump switch where the piggyback plug is plugged into a standard
wall outlet and the pump power cable is then plugged into the female end of the VertiMAC™ piggyback plug. The VertiMAC™
pump switch with installed Sump Advisor™ sensor will be mounted slightly higher than the primary pump switch as a backup.
The cables for the backup pump switch and sensor are connected to the control panel for the battery backup system.
When the water level rises and activates the primary VertiMAC™ pump switch, the primary pump will turn on until the water level
recedes and deactivates the pump switch turning the primary pump off to complete the pump cycle. If the water level continues
to rise and activates the backup VertiMAC™ pump switch with Sump Advisor™ sensor, the backup pump will turn on until the
water level recedes and deactivates the pump switch turning the backup pump off. If the water level rises activating the high
level alarm float on the Sump Advisor™ sensor, it will activate the high level alarm on the control panel. When the water level
recedes the high level alarm float on the sensor will deactivate to clear the alarm condition on the panel. The VertiMAC™ pump
switch and Sump Advisor™ sensor allows for a compact trouble-free installation for sump pump systems with battery backup.