ALDEN warranty
Warranty coverage:
Warranties for manufacturing defects take effect from the date of invoicing to the end user. The end user will
have to fill in and return the warranty form with a copy of the invoice to ALDEN SAS for the warranty to be valid.
The end user will also have to keep the original invoice as proof of purchase.
In case of alteration on the product without our written agreement, the warranty will become void. Neither
the retailer, nor the end user can demand compensation if the unit has been disassembled, reassembled
or in case of privation of use for a period of time lower than 30 days. ALDEN SAS takes no responsibility
in case of accidents or incidents due to the non observation of the rules given by ALDEN SAS. We remind
you that an adapted fuse on the ‘‘plus’’ wire must be installed on all electrical connections.
For a matter of warranty, installations must be done by professionals. The retailer and the end user are supposed
to know regulations and laws (for example highway code) but also legal measures about the maximum load of
the vehicle. The retailer and the end user must keep informed about installation rules and security measures.
Neither the retailer, nor the end user can ask for compensation or demand further warranty if the rules in this
guide are not respected.
However, you are covered by legal warranty, including in case of manufacturing faults.
Before implementing the warranty or sending the product back to our factory, you will need our written
agreement. Postage and packing costs are always at the charge of the sender. In case of an Express
delivery, postage and packing costs will always have to be demanded and paid for by the customer.
Are not taken into account by the warranty :
- replacement of expendable and wear parts;
- failures and consequences due to improper or illegal use;
- failures and consequences due to external devices or wrong installation;
- failures and consequences due to an alteration which has not been agreed to in writting by Alden;
- failures and consequences due to the external environment.