May 15, 2012 • Alcorn McBride TourTraXX User’s Manual • Rev 1.3 • Page 35
Realistically though, you would specify repeating in years, if it got that large.
Whatever combination you choose between Repeat Number and Repeat
Period should not multiply out to be greater than a century.
R:1 ;do it every period
R:117 ;do it every 117 periods
2. With a Repeat Set field present:
The Repeat Number and the Repeat
Period become an index of the set. These three fields should be read in
conjunction like this:
“Repeat this event every <repeat number> <repeat
period> in <set>.”
Ex.“Repeat this event every 4
Thursday in
Although there are many possibilities, we can use an example of holidays to
explain what using a set can do for you. Over the period of a year, you may
want to schedule events for some holidays. Unfortunately, not all holidays
land on the same date every year. By defining a set, along with the repeat
number and repeat period, you can choose the first Monday of the month, or
whatever you like. Sets can be specific or general.
R:2 P:Sunday S:May E:Command 1:"1P1PL" ;Every 2
Sunday in May
Play file #1 to channel pair 1.
R:1 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1: "2P2PL" ;Every 1
day of every month
play file #2 to channel pair 2.
R:2 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1: "4P4PL" ;Every 2
day of every month
play file #4 to channel pair 4.
R:3 P:Day S:Month E:Command 1: "5P5PL" ;Every 3
day of every month
play file #5 to channel pair 5.
P: Repeat Period
The Repeat Period defines how long to wait. It is multiplied or indexed
according to the presence of a Repeat Set field. (See the Repeat Set and
Repeat Number sections for details)
Periods can be one of the following:
Sunrise, Sunset
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Month is not a valid period. If you want to make a monthly schedule,
use a combination of repeat number, period and set to do so. See the
example in the Repeat Number section for details. You can also specify
. In order to take advantage of sunrise/sunset calculations
in the TourTraXX, you need to determine you longitude, latitude, and time
zone. All three of these settings can be configured remotely using the
Command Protocol
of the TourTraXX.