Charger Cable Resistance Reading Connection
Revision 3
Charger Cable Resistance Reading Connection
There is one
50’, 75’ or 100’
Charger Cable Resistance Reading harness included with each unit.
From the UXIM, the Charger Cable Sense Lead cables are routed to the installation locations shown in
the diagram below. After determining the routing path and the required wire length from the
equipment (J0) to the connection points, begin assembling the 10K resistor sense lead assembly to the
charger sense lead harness as described in Section 10.1. When connecting to the charger bus, it may be
required to replace the 10K resistor leads and or load
terminal with a ring terminal to
complete connection to the bus. Proper location and crimp termination of these cables are critical and
could cause equipment failures if done improperly.
Figure 10 - Charger Control Sense Lead Connection to Battery and Charger.