KX18D Series
Video RAM Cacheable
Select “Enabled” to allow caching of the video RAM which may improve performance. If any other
program writes to this memory area, a system error may result. Options: Enabled, Disabled (default)
PnP/PCI Configurations
Reset Configuration Data
Select “Enabled” to reset the Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) if you have installed a
new add-on card and the system reconfiguration has caused such a serious conflict that the OS cannot
boot. Options: Disabled (default)
Resources Controlled By
BIOS can automatically configure all the boot and Plug and Play compatible devices. If you choose
Auto, you will not be able to manually assign IRQ DMA and memory base address fields, since
BIOS automatically assigns them. Options: Auto (ESCD) (default)
IRQ Resources
When resources are controlled manually, you can assign each system interrupt a type, depending on
the type of device using the interrupt. This is only configurable when “Resources Controlled By” is
set to “Manual”.
Options: IRQ-3/ 4/ 5/ 7/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 14/ 15
assigned to
PCI device
PCI / VGA Palette Snoop
Some graphic controllers that are not VGA compatible take the output from a VGA controller and
map it to their display as a way to provide boot information and VGA compatibility.
Options: Disabled (default)
PCI Latency Timer (CLK)
This item allows you to set up the PCI Latency Time (0-255). If you select the “32” it will optimize
PCI speeds. Options: 0-255
32 (default)
Frequency/ Voltage Control
CPU Speed Detected
This item displays the CPU Speed.