; 6 4 :
64. Disable Remote Input
Wire a Normally Open Contact to Wires (White & White). Momentarily close switch to unlock door
to allow person to pass through door.
Enter the functions below to Disable/Enable the Remote Input.
The Remote Input is enabled as part of the default program.
Remote Input
; 6 5 :
65. Enable Remote Input
62-63. Reserved
60. Number of Attempts Before Lockout
61. Set the Attempts Lockout Time
Used with Function 61
Number of attempts before lockout must be 1-9 attempts.
The number of attempts is reduced by half every time the keypad is locked out without a
successful code entry (default is 6 attempts).
The attempt count is reset each time a valid code is entered.
Function 61 determines the length of time the keypad is locked-out after a series of
unsuccessful attempts (default is 15 seconds). Used with Function 60.
Lockout Time must be 1-60 seconds.
; 6 6 ;
[ _ _ ]
(Ambush Code)
66. Ambush Code
Ambush code must be 2 digits.
An error will sound if the Ambush Code matches the 1st two digits of any User Code.
See Function 67 for more information about the Ambush Function.
Factory default Ambush Code is 99.
; 6 0 ;
[ _ ]
(Number of Attempts)
; 6 1 ;
[ _ _ ]
(Lockout Time)
Programming Functions (cont'd)
59. Reserved