out using his own extension number.
Work on different time division
1) Users A and B work on different time division at a same table with a same host IP
phone, their extension numbers are 4722 and 4723.
2) A logins the extension number 4722 in the morning
logout after leave.
3) B logins the extension number 4723 in the evening, using the number 4723 to
call in and out, logout after leave.
To enable the Hotling feature by Autop mode.
1) For example, the host IP phone number is 2404984721. Shown as below.
2) Press GuestIn soft key to login the extension number. Enter the User Name:
2404984721. Press Down button to enter the guest user password. Press Enter
soft key to login the extension number.
3) The extension number 2404984723 is ready for use.