Attaching the frame pad
Fitting the mat and installing the springs
Lay the mat flat inside the frame. Make sure the logo is facing upwards. In order to make the
installation of the jumping mat easier, locate the four rings in the corners of the jumping mat
and attach four springs on these locations first. Pass the springs through the spring loops on the
corners underside of the jumping mat. Then continue by attaching springs from the corners to
the middle of the mat until all springs are attached.
At first, it may look like the mat won’t fit, it will
however stretch to the correct size when you
finish attaching all springs.
The frame pad must cover the
entire frame and all springs.
Flip the frame pad over and pull the elastic
band around the frame. Insert the toggle into
the loop, then rotate the toggle inwards to
secure it. Repeat with all frame pad elastics.
Lay the safety pad on the top of the trampoline with the eyelets facing up. Insert the elastic toggles
through the eyelets so the loop end of the elastic faces outwards and the toggle end is on the inside.
Springs can be hard to attach, you will need a little force. Help yourself by using one spring to pull
another towards the frame holes. Do not forget to wear gloves!
Secure the frame pad to the trampoline by
placing springs into the “spring loops”. You
will find them on the underside of the frame
pad where each pad section joins the next
one. Remove a single spring under every
loop, slip it through the loop and reattach
to the frame. Repeat with all loops. This will
prevent the front of the pads from lifting up.
Be sure all spring hooks are well
attached to the frame.
Be sure that you hook the corner spring trough
the loop in the corner. It will keep the corners
of the mat in place.