Temperature Difference Controller TDC 3
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6.4.1 Cooling furniture
The hydraulic variants are set in menu „7.1 Program selection“
Hydraulic Variant D.14 Solar + cooling 1:
If „CProt Ton“ is exceeded at S1, the cooler at R2 is switched on till the temperature drops to
„CProt Toff“. If the storage tank exceeds „CProt Tmax storage“, the system is switched off.
Hydraulic Variant D.15 Solar + cooling 2:
If „CProt Ton“ is exceeded at S1, the cooler at R2 is switched on. If the storage tank exceeds
„CProt Tmax storage“, R1 is switched off with R2 still running to keep on cooling. If the
temperature at S1 drops to „CProt Toff“, cooling is switched off.
Hydraulic Variant D.16 Solar + cooling 3:
If „CProt Ton“ is exceeded at S1, the pump at R1 is switched on to cool the collector by
heating up the storage tank. If the storage tank S2 reaches „CProt Tmax storage“, R1 is switched
off. Once the storage tank at S3 exceeds TsetS3, cooling at R2 is switched on till „TsetS3“-
hysteresis is reached.
6.5 Col.-Alarm
If this temperature is exceeded at the collector sensor when the solar pump is on a warning or
error message is triggered. A warning message is shown in the display.
Collector alarm settings range: on / off / Default: off
Col. alarm - setting range: 60 °C to 300 °C / Default: 150 °C
6.6 Recooling
In hydraulic systems with solar when the recooling function is activated excess energy from the
storage tank is fed back into the collector. This only takes place if the temperature in the storage
tank is higher than the value “Recool Tsetpoint” and the collector is at least 20°C cooler than the
storage tank and before the storage tank temperature has dropped below the value “Recool
Tsetpoint”. In systems with two storage tanks the setting applies to both storage tanks.
Recooling setting range: on, off/default setting: off
Recooling Tsetpoint setting range: from 0°C to 99 °C/default setting: 70°C
This function causes energy to be lost via the collector! Recooling should only be