Temperature Difference Controller TDC 3
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5.15 “Party Function”
With the party function the storage temperature is heated up once to the reference temperature
(TrefS3, respectively TminS3 in energy saving mode). The party mode is enabled by pressing the
„esc“-key for 3 seconds in the main menu. While this mode is active, the system heats up to the
reference value + hysteresis, unattached to preset thermostat times. The mode is ended once the
required temperature is reached.
5.16 Energy saving mode
Energy saving mode for the thermostat function
In energy saving mode the additional heating via R2 is switched on at TecoS3 and heats up to
Teco + hysteresis. When energy saving mode is active, but no solar heat is available, TsetS3 is
used like in normal mode.
Settings range: On, Off/ Default: Off
5.17 TecoS3
Minimum temperature S3 in Energy saving mode
If the temperature at sensor 3 falls below this value and the thermostat function is active
(see 5.14 thermostat periods), additional heating via relais R2 is switched on until
hysteresis is reached (see 5.9 hysteresis).
Settings range: 0 °C to 99 °C / Default: 20 °C
Party function is not activated by menu. The ESC key has to be pressed for 3
During Energy saving mode, Party function heats up to TecoS3