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Section 2: Kit Building Hints
Yes, I know you want to ignore this section, and jump right into building the kit.
However, please
take a minute and read this advice.
I’ve condensed it into bullets so
that even you guys who are in a hurry can benefit.
Stop any time you’re feeling confused, tired, or anxious. Taking breaks at those
strategic times will keep the build enjoyable and greatly enhance your chances of
first-time success.
A soup bowl is your friend. Before you build a board, carefully empty the parts
into a broad, flat, light colored soup bowl. That makes it easy to find the parts,
and keeps them from getting lost.
A digital ohm-meter is an easy way to make sure that you’ve picked the right
resistor. It’s a great cross-check on the resistor color code. Measure twice and
solder once!
A lead-bending jig can make for quicker, neater assembly. It’s certainly not
Is something in this manual confusing? Does something look wrong? Send your
questions by email to
. You’ll help yourself and everyone who
builds the kit.
Section 3: Building the Headphone Amp
This section details the process of building the Headphone Amp circuit board. Begin by
carefully emptying the contents of the parts envelope into a broad soup bowl, as shown
below. In general, you’ll start with the components that lay closest to the board, working
your way towards the taller components.
Figure 1-Empty the components into a soup bowl
Figure 2-Silk screen shows Headphone Amp component locations