EDGE 180M USB Modem Manual
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On the next screen you can setup the Maximum Times to Resend which is 5. You can
also set the Resend Intervals and the Resend on Server Timeout in case there was a
problem connecting to the GSM service. Clicking on the “Finish” button will save your
new SMS action and complete the wizard.
You will now see the new SMS action in the action list as shown above and you can test
it to make sure it is working correctly by first highlighting the action, then clicking on the
“Test Action” button.
You can then navigate to the Summery page and check the Syslog for the entry
regarding the successful test message.
Now that you have your SMS action completed you can link this action to any sensor
connected to your base unit using the “Link Sensor to Action Wizard”.
Setting up the EDGE-180 GSM Modem in the base units web
Voice Call Alerts
– Telephone Call Action
You need to first log in to the units web interface as the Administrator then navigate to the
Notifications page, then the Action page, then click on the “Create” button as shown
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viewer to zoom in on them.