OG-3GDA Series openGear Cards v1.2 21 www.aja.com
Figure 18. OG-3GDA Series Upload Software Wizard window in DashBoard
3. From the Upload Software Wizard window, select Browse.
4. Navigate to the location of the downloaded .bin file containing the software
update. Select the .bin file, then select Open. The Upload Software Wizard
window displays characteristics of the selected file for uploading.
5. Click Finish. The uploading process begins.
Figure 19. OG-3GDA-2x4 Uploading to Selected Devices window in DashBoard
6. When the progress bar indicates that the uploading is finished and status
indicates "Complete," click OK.
7. To verify the version of software or firmware currently installed on your
card, select the Card tab from the center panel of DashBoard.