OG-3GDA Series openGear Cards v1.2 20 www.aja.com
Setup Tab Screen
Figure 17. OG-3GDA Series Setup Tab Screen in DashBoard
Click on the Setup tab to view and make changes to the card name or to restore
card settings to factory default values.
Card Name -
By default, this field is pre-populated with the card name OG-3GDA-
2x4 or OG-3GDA-1x9. You can change the card name by editing the text in the
Card Name field.
NOTE: Changing the Card Name in the Setup tab also changes the name of the card in
the DashBoard tree view.
Factory Settings -
If you would like to revert the card settings to factory default
values, click Restore.
Uploading New Software
When available, you can upload updated software to the OG-3GDA Series
through the DashBoard Control System by following the steps below.
To Upload New Software
1. Check the AJA website for new software for your OG-3GDA Series. If new
software is found, download it and uncompress the file archive (zip).
2. Click the Upload button in the lower panel of the DashBoard Control System
to open the Upload Software Wizard.