Ki Pro Ultra 12G File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 53
• Channels 11 & 12
• Channels 13 & 14
• Channels 15 & 16
2.5 16 Ch - 8 Ch Audio Map
This parameter allows you to select the input channel mapping for 8 channel
Audio destinations (HDMI, AES, and Analog Audio). There are two options:
Lower (Chs 1-8) (default)
Upper (Chs 9-16)
Selects input channels 1-8.
Selects input channels 9-16
For 8 Channel Audio Inputs (AES, Analog Audio and HDMI), the 8 channels are
always mapped to the lower 8 channels on SDI (BNC and Fiber) outputs. You
cannot map the 8 channels of input to the upper 8 channels (9-16) of your SDI
For Ki Pro Ultra 12G encoding, you cannot route the upper 8 channels (9-16) to
your encoded clip unless 16 Channel audio is selected in 2.3 Audio Channels.
2.7 Headphone Audio Channel
(Multi Channel Mode only.) Selects which channel's audio is routed to the
headphone output.
Channel 1 (default)
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
Selects channel 1 audio
Selects channel 2 audio
Selects channel 3 audio
Selects channel 4 audio
4.1 Analog Audio
This parameter configures the analog audio signal levels for input and output.
+24dBu (default)
Selects pro-level USA signal levels of +24dBu
Selects pro-level Europe signal levels of +18dBu
Selects pro-level German signal levels of +15dBu
Selects consumer signal levels of +12dBu
NOTE: Maximum amplitude (0 dBFS)
Professional audio equipment has much higher levels than consumer equipment:
a 0 VU reading corresponds to +4 dBu. Connecting a profes4 dBu device
to a consumer audio input -10dBV (-7.8 dBu) may cause overloading, whereas the
output of a consumer device probably does not have sufficient power to drive a
professional audio input. With consumer and semi-professional audio equipment,
a VU reading of 0 dB is typically referenced to -10 dBV. 0 dBu = 0.775 VRMS.
6.1 Genlock
This parameter selects the source of reference to genlock to during playback.
NOTE: Ki Pro Ultra 12G always genlocks to the selected video input during capture;
genlock may only be needed during some playback configurations (such as in a
facility with a variety of other equipment).
For general monitoring purposes, genlock is not required.
Freerun (default)
Ref In
Use the currently selected input as the Genlock source
Free run mode: Ki Pro Ultra 12G syncs to its own timebase and is
not locked to an external source
Use the Ref Input as the Genlock source