Ki Pro Ultra 12G File Based Recorder/Player v1.0 43
Use Channel Clip Identifier OFF, Use Custom Clip Name OFF
Use Channel Clip Identifier ON, Use Custom Clip Name OFF
Use Channel Clip Identifier ON, Use Custom Clip Name ON
19.6-19.9 Ch 1-4 Clip Identifier
(Multi Channel Mode only.) This parameter lets you edit the channel clip identifier
text. Clip identifier text is defined via the front panel User Control Knob or the
web UI.
When entering characters for a custom clip identifier on the front
panel, you must press the User Control Knob to bring up alpha-
numeric keypad. Use the Control Knob to scroll and press to
select the characters you want. Save or Cancel when finished.
Default: Ch.1-4, depending on record channel.
22.1 Gang Clip Name
This parameter is used when performing gang recording via multiple Ki Pros
(refer to Controlling Multiple Ki Pros later in this manual). If the desire is to have
clips named the same across all Ki Pro ganged units’ recordings, then use the
“Master Name” selection in this parameter. If the desire is to have clips named
independently on Ki Pro units, then “Subordinate Name” should be selected.
Selecting “Subordinate Name” means that the recording will take its name
from the individual Ki Pro’s parameters and not accept the value pushed to the
Subordinate by the Master Ki Pro.
Master Name (default)
Subordinate Name
Enable clips to be named the same across all Ki Pro ganged units
Name clips independently on Ki Pro units
NOTE: Most gang controls are only available in the web user interface.
22.4 Captions
This parameter is used to capture of CEA-708 Closed Captioning data as
QuickTime movie tracks.
On recording, Ki Pro Ultra 12G extracts CEA-708 (including 608 within 708)
packets contained in the vertical ANC data embedded in the SDI input (BNC
or Fiber) signal. The packets are processed and inserted into a QuickTime track
(CLCP) as part of the recorded QuickTime container.