Io XT/4K Capture, Display, Convert v14.0 58 www.aja.com
Source Gain
Meters display the audio levels of the source, colored green when that source is
On, and gray when that source is not selected.
When activated, the source gain sliders can be used to adjust the output gain of
that source, from +3db to -3db.
• Sliders - The sliders on the right can be used to change the values for each
• Numeric Entry - You also enter a numeric valuea by clicking on the displayed
number, and can increase or decrease the values clicking on the up/down
arrow boxes.
• Cut and Paste - Right clicking on a displayed number opens a Cut, Copy, Paste
dropdown menu for convenient numeric entry.
Capture Monitor Mode (4K Mode only)
Figure 25. Audio Mixer Screen, Capture Monitor Mode
The Capture Monitor Mode sceen lets to select and mix audio to be captured.
The mix goes to the monitor output, and also to the controlling audio application
input if that application supports capture.
The controls on this screen are similar to those on the Playback Monitor Mode
screen, except the Main App is not available for selection (you cannot capture
from the app that is capturing). See
"Playback Monitor Mode (4K Mode only)" on
page 57
for more information.