ColorBox In-Line Color and HDR/SDR Transform v1.0 8
Pressing and holding the SELECT button places the ColorBox into hardware
override bypass mode, bypassing all color processing and any overlay text. The
ColorBox's video input will be directly routed to its output. While in bypass mode
the STATUS LED is colored purple, and the web UI processing pipeline indicates
the bypassed video path. Releasing the button restores the ColorBox to its
previous operational state.
The SELECT button is also used for SafeBoot. See
Power On/Off Button
Pressing the Power button immediately turns on ColorBox if it is off. Pressing and
holding the Power button for three seconds turns the ColorBox off. ColorBox
automatically powers on when DC power is first applied.
LED Descriptions
• Green = indicates ColorBox is locked to a valid and supported SDI input format
• Off = LED indicates ColorBox is not locked to a valid or supported input format
The STATIS LED illuminates to report the following conditions in priority order.
Alarm status:
• Red = Overtemp (blinks red if Identify is also on and alarming)
• Red = Fan Failure (blinks red if Identify is also on and alarming)
• Identify = Flashing Blue
• Safeboot = Amber
Color Pipeline status:
• Green = Processing
• Purple = Bypass
Factory Reset Button
The recessed Factory Reset button, when pressed using a paperclip or other
thin object, clears all configuration data from the ColorBox, including the entire
Library, all Images and Presets, and network settings (DHCP is enabled after
reset). Any installed licenses, however, are retained after a Factory reset.