ColorBox In-Line Color and HDR/SDR Transform v1.0 15 www.aja.com
When using the AJA Color Pipeline (ACP), stored Presets retain all files loaded into
the nodes, either active or not. When loading an ACP Preset, all files that were
stored in that Preset will populate the ColorBox Library if not already present. A
warning will be displayed if not enough library locations are available.
If Dynamic LUTs are being used in the AJA Color Pipeline, storing a Preset saves
the latest Dynamic LUTs or 3x3 matrices values provided from the external color
management system for that node. When recalling this preset, the Dynamic
values are restored.
Each Preset saves only the current settings for the selected pipeline mode (i.e.
AJA Color, Colorfront, BBC HLG LUTs, NBCU LUTs). However, also included in each
Preset is the current Bypass state, any Overlay text settings, the current Frame
Store settings, and the recalled image whether or not it is enabled.
These settings apply to all ColorBox's pipeline modes.
NOTE: It is anticipated that changing modes during a production will rarely, if ever,
occur, but be aware that recalling a Preset from one pipeline mode can change
the current Bypass or Overlay settings of other modes. If, after going to another
mode, you immediately recall a Preset for that mode, you can ensure all of the
settings will be restored, including Bypss and Overlay.
Startup Preset
Each Color Processing Pipeline mode can also be assigned a Startup Preset,
which will be automatically recalled when that ColorBox starts up. This makes it
possible for an expert to configure a Preset, select it for startup, and power down
the ColorBox. Another perhaps less experienced person could then carry that
ColorBox to its intended location, connect its inputs and outputs, and restore all
the previous settings by simply powering up the unit.
NOTE: The Startup Preset number recalled on startup will be for the pipeline mode the
ColorBox had selected when it was powered down.