ColorBox In-Line Color and HDR/SDR Transform v1.0 24 www.aja.com
Pipeline Selection Tabs
Clicking on a pipeline tab selects that pipeline and makes it active. Any color or
other processing configured in that pipeline will immediately be applied to the
ColorBox's outputs, and any color processing configured in other pipeline modes
will be disabled. Different pipelines will have different signal flow diagrams.
NOTE: Switching from one pipeline mode to another requires ColorBox to reconfigure its
internal pipeline, which requires a few seconds.
Pipeline Video Format Information
The current input and output video format information is displayed on the
left and right sides of the pipeline display. The input video format information
will only change if the actual video input format changes. Pipeline parameter
changes, however, can change some of the output video format information.
Pipeline Nodes
Each selected pipeline has processing node boxes. Clicking on a node box
selects that node for configuration, that box will be outlined in light yellow, and
parameters available for that node will be displayed in the Configure pane on the
right side of the screen. Each node has an on/off toggle switch used to activate or
disable that node.
INPUT and OUTPUT Buttons (All Pipelines)
Labeled buttons above the video format information are used to select whether
the Input (unprocessed) or Output (processed) video signal is displayed on the
Video Preview display. In addition, these buttons select which signal is routed to
the Frame Store input for capture. These buttons are highlighted when chosen,
and do not have a yellow border, indicating they do not change the information
shown on the Configure pane. INPUT and OUTPUT button selections apply to all
ColorBox pipelines.
When selected displays the unprocessed video input signal on the Video Preview
pane, and routes that signal to the Frame Store input. The Capture button on the
Frame Store Configure pane will then be labeled "Capture Input".
When selected displays the processed video output signal on the Video Preview
pane, including Overlay if enabled, and routes that signal to the Frame Store
input. The Capture button on the Frame Store Configure pane will then be
labeled "Capture Output".
Input and Output Icons (All Pipelines)
Clicking on the pipeline Input triangle on the left displays input signal
information in the Configure pane, and clicking on the Output triangle or HDMI
icon on the right displays output signal information. These buttons do not change
the Video Preview image, if shown, which always displays the signal selected with
the INPUT and OUTPUT buttons, described above.
Input and Output Icon selections apply to all ColorBox pipelines.