Page 18
Loop around the cable eye and go back through a crush
Loop around and back through the crush sleeve again.
Adjust the loops and crimp the sleeve with the non-
serrated surface of standard plyers. Slide the tail through
the second crush sleeve and crimp.
Pull the slack out of the cables and make sure the cables
cross once inside the fuselage. Connect the ball links to
the rudder control horn.
Tape the rudder in position aligned to the vertical
stabilizer. With the servo powered up and centered
repeat the crimping process on the rudder end of the
cable. Before you crimp the crush sleeves make sure the
cable is not tangled at the servo end. Pull the cable snug.
You do not need to make the cable guitar string tight.
Remove the tape and adjust the cable lengths to center
the rudder by turning the cable eyes into the ball links.
Center the tail wheel tiller arm to the rudder. Use a self
threading screw to connect the tail wheel to the rudder.
Leave the tiller arm loose to prevent binding.