1. It is recommended that all units are connected to a water supply and return pipe system of the
Tickelman Loop type. The Tickelman Loop system is self-balancing and thus only requires manual
balancing if a large number of units with different flow and pressure loss characteristics are connected
to a single hydraulic loop. A very simple way of checking the hydraulic balance is to measure the
temperature difference between the water connections. To ensure a correct water flow, the difference
must be in the region of 3 to 7 °C in Cooling mode and 2 to 5°C in Heating mode.
A system with two parallel pipes can also operate in a perfectly adequate manner, but it is more
difficult to achieve, and to maintain, balance.
2. Steel, copper or P.V.C. pressure pipes may be used.
3. It is advisable to make the unit ’s water supply and return conveyance lines
w i t h s h o r t l e n g t h s o f h i g h - p r e s s u r e h o s e , a s t h e y f o r m e x c e l l e n t s h o c k
absorbers for unit operating noise and hydraulic pressure surges.
One of the hose ends must be fitted with a rotating connector to facilitate removal
f o r m a i n t e n a n c e . R i g i d p i p e s c a n b e c o n n e c t e d d i r e c t l y t o t h e u n i t , b u t
this is not recommended due to their inability to absorb vibrations and noise.
Rigid pipes must be equipped with removable connectors to facilitate future removal of the unit from
its location.
Main return
pipe work
dome valve
Main water supply
pipe work
Main condensate
drainage pipe work
4. Certain flexible hose threaded connectors are supplied with sealing paste. If this is not the case, use
Teflon tape to create a tight seal.
5. Each unit must be equipped with isolation valves on the water inlet and outlet pipes. The return
isolation valve is used for both cutting off the water supply and balancing the installation’s water flow.
As it is used to establish the balance of the flows,
it must be equipped with a lockable position
end stop
. This end stop ensures that, after the valve is closed, it can only be re-opened as far as
the position required to maintain a balanced water flow.
Never connect a unit to the water supply and return lines without completely cleaning
and flushing out the hydraulic loop beforehand.
After performing these operations, the units must
be connected, with all valves completely open, ready for the system to be filled with water.
In order to limit clogging the plate heat exchanger and to optimise unit operation,
it is advisable to equip the system with a
sieve filter
(Ø 0.8 mm) on the unit water inlet pipe
work. This filter should be installed between two isolation valves and should remain accessible
to the user for periodic checks.
7. Use steel, copper or P.V.C. pipes for the condensates drainage pipe. Each unit is supplied with a
connector for condensates drainage.