5. On an iOS device, try resetting the network. (Note: this
procedure will cause you to lose network password settings
and they will have to be re-entered.) Select General, Settings,
Reset, Reset Networks. Recheck connection after the device
6. If the connection appears to drop, be sure all power saving
settings are turned off on the host computer. For example,
Autolock should be set to never on iOS devices.
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The unit name in your Bluetooth host consists of several codes
to help with support and identifying your specific device. For
106 refers to the model number.
v140 refers to the firmware version.
220A refers to the MAC address.
This is helpful if there are many BT-106 units in the same
location. Your MAC address will always be the same so you
can easily identify your unit. You will find your specific MAC
address labeled on the bottom of your BT-106.