Telemetry System with Sanwa Synchronized Link Support
Section Continued on Next Page
ALB MENU [Anti-Lock Brake]
FUNC ALB POINT setting range is 5% to 100%. The default setting is 80%.
Changing the Point Percentage Value, Continued:
2) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to choose the desired Point
percentage value. Increasing the Point percentage value will cause the Anti-Lock
Braking function to Activate later and Decreasing the Point percentage value will cause
the Anti-Lock Braking function to Activate sooner.
Changing the Lag Value:
The Lag value determines the amount of Delay in Seconds before the Anti-Lock Braking function Activates after reaching the
Point setting.
FUNC ALB LAG setting range is 0.00s to 1.00s. The default setting is 0.00s.
1) From within the ALB sub-menu, press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight LAG 0.00s.
2) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to choose the desired Lag
value in Seconds. Increasing the Lag value increases the Delay time to Activate the
Anti-Lock Braking function after reaching the Point setting and Decreasing the Lag
value decreases the Delay time to Activate the Anti-Lock Braking function after
reaching the Point setting.
Changing the Cycle Value:
The Cycle value determines the speed at which the Brake pulsates in Seconds. By changing the Cycle value, you can make
the Brake pulsate Faster or Slower. The Cycle value determines how quickly the Brake moves from the Point setting to the
Stroke setting and how quickly the Brake moves from the Stroke setting back to the Point setting.
1) From within the ALB sub-menu, press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight CYCLE 0.03s.
2) Press the ENTER key, then press the UP or DOWN keys to choose the desired Cycle
value in Seconds. Increasing the Cycle value will cause the Brake to pulsate Slower
and Decreasing the Release value will cause the Brake to pulsate Faster.
FUNC ALB CYCLE setting range is 0.01s to 1.00s. The default setting is 0.03s.
OFFSET MENU [Throttle Offset]
The Throttle Offset function allows you to shift the Neutral Point of the Throttle servo to a fixed position, either toward the High
Side or the Brake Side, while still allowing you full control of the Throttle. For example, if you're driving a glow- or gas-powered
model, you can use the Throttle Offset function to raise the engine idle for starting or you can program the Throttle Offset function
to Increase the engine to a steady idle while you're refueling during a race. Alternately you can use the Throttle Offset
function to apply Brake and shut your engine off.
The Throttle Offset function shifts the Neutral Point of the Throttle servo without affecting the High Side or Brake Side End
Points. This allows you to have full control over the Throttle even when the Throttle Offset function is turned ON.
Throttle Offset Programming Values can be changed while you're driving by Assigning this function to a Trim Switch. In
addition, the Throttle Offset function can be toggled ON and OFF while you're driving by assigning this function to an
Auxiliary Switch. For more information, see the KEY ASSIGN Menu section on pages 56 through 60.
Selecting the Menu and Channel:
1) From within the SETTING menu, press the UP or DOWN keys to highlight the FUNC
menu. FUNC ST TRIM 0 will be highlighted.
If the cursor is flashing over Channel/Options, press the ENTER key to stop the
cursor flashing, then press the UP or DOWN keys to select the FUNC menu.