Repair Instructions 3AV 30 - 430
Reassembling Pump Case and Shaft Seal Housing
Coat pump casing (101) with liquid seal (Epple)
Install pump case (101) on inter casing (137). Thread in five hexagon head screws (901). Tighten the
screws (901) cross-wise.
Thread in all disassembled hexagon socket screwed plugs with their gaskets.
Reassembling Pump Case and Inter Casing
Install O-Ring (412) at pump casing
Install inter casing at pump casing. Correct position is given through the pin of pump case
Apply Loctite to thread and thread in hexagon socket countersunk head screw (901.2) and tighten
screw (screw 914 at 3AV 255 / screw 904 at 3AV 330-430).
Reassembling Pump Case and Shaft Seal Housing
Type 3AV 95-430
Install O-ring (412) at shaft seal housing
Install pump case (101) on shaft seal housing (441)
Thread in five hexagon head screws (901)
Tighten the screws (901) cross-wise
Type 3AV 95/3AV 130/3AV 155/3AV 330/3AV 430