Repair Instructions 3AV 30 - 430
Reassembling and Adjusting Impeller
Install impeller on motor shaft
Coat the disk of impeller with liquid seal (Epple)
Install washer on the coated disk of impeller
Thread on nut to impeller adjusting screw
Adjust impeller with the impeller adjusting screw. There should be a gap of 0.1 – 0.15 mm between the
surface of the impeller and the surface of the shaft seal housing. Use the metal straightedge and the
feeler gauge to adjust the gap.
Block the impeller if the gap is correct. Tighten nut of the impeller screw.
Turn impeller. There should be no contact between impeller and shaft seal housing and also no con-
tact between impeller and metal straightedge. If there is any contact re-adjust the impeller.
Reassembling Inter Casing
Coat shaft seal housing (411) with liquid seal (Epple)
Install inter casing on shaft seal housing. Correct position of inter casing is given through the pins at
shaft seal housing