H - 4
H - 5
Dometic Sales Corporation OR
Sharp Electronics Corporation
2320 Industrial Parkway
10 Sharp Plaza
P.O. Box 490
Paramus, New Jersey 07652
Elkhart, IN 46515
Only federally certified technicians are permitted to service microwave ovens.
For this reason the only service instructions contained in this manual are for
removal of the complete oven. If you have a microwave problem please contact
the appropriate manufacturer.
Both microwave ovens can be removed for service by removing the screws
in the vented trim ring. The trim rings are fastened to microwave oven. After
removing the screws, pull straight out on the oven until the 110-volt plug can
be unplugged.
Dometic Sales Corporation 2320
Industrial Parkway P.O. Box 490
Elkhart, Indiana 46514
Phone: 1-800-544-4881
Review all refrigerator literature supplied in your Owner’s Packet or stored in
the refrigerator prior to operating.
In absorption refrigerant system ammonia is liquefied in the finned condenser
coil at the top rear of the refrigerator. The liquid ammonia then flows into the
evaporator (inside the freezer section) and is exposed to a circulating flow of
hydrogen gas, which causes the ammonia to evaporate, creating a cold condi-
tion in the freezer.
The tubing in the evaporator section is specifically sloped to provide a con-
tinuous movement of liquid ammonia, flowing downward by gravity, through
this section. If the refrigerator is operated out-of-level when the vehicle is not
moving, liquid ammonia will accumulate in portions of the evaporator tubing.
This will slow the circulation of hydrogen and ammonia gas, or in severe cases,
completely block it, resulting in a loss of cooling.