AirSynergy 2000 Installation Guide
Page 33
Commercial in Confidence
UGD-D01001 Rev B
Figure 15 - positioning wall mounting plate
2. Mark the wall through the holes on the wall mount at the required height.
3. Attach the mounting plate to the wall using wall plugs (x4) rated for at least 8-10 Kg per
Figure 16 - wall mounting plate fastened on wall
Wall plugs (x4) and necessary hardware are
supplied by Airspan and
are the responsibility of the installer. Recommended minimum 8mm dia. with
appropriate wall plugs according to field conditions.
5.3 Front Sector Antenna Assembly
The following section is included for
instructions as front mounted antenna variants come factory pre-assembled.
The AirSynergy unit can be used either with a sector antenna mounted directly on the front or with
a remotely attached antenna. The following describes the installation procedure for the front
mounted antenna.
For installation of a
remotely mounted antenna follow the antenna manufacturer’s instructions and
connect the antenna to the AirSynergy using the appropriate cables. (Weather-proofed N-type
Heliax RF cables (ordered separately).