AirSpeed 1050 Installation Guide
Airspan Commercial and Internal Use
13. Secure the lock by sliding the secondary lock/button; assembly is now ready.
Figure 40: Secure Housing Lock
When securing the cable verify there is no tension on the connector so that it is easy to
disconnect and re-connect for future maintenance actions.
5.2.3 Fiber Ethernet (SFP) Cable Preparation
Additional parts required for the SFP assembly:
LC Duplex cable assembly
SFP Transceiver
The following displays the proper steps for SFP cable preparation:
1. Have the pre-assembled LC Duplex cable assembly ready.
Diameter of cable is in the 5 to 7mm (0.20-0.28) range.
Figure 41: Pre-assembled LC Duplex Cable
2. Open the housing lock by sliding up then lift the clamp handle,
Figure 42: Open Housing Lock
3. Separate the housing into its component sections.