2.1.3 Port-based VLAN
Port-based VLAN is a kind of VLAN which is a group of ports marked as a kind by group ID. Different VLAN
(different ID) can’t communicate to each other. Before the setting, user must be aware of that there is a default
Port-based VLAN, his group ID is 1. So, if user wants to set another new port-based VLAN, better set another
group ID rather than 1. After pressing “Apply” button, the screen will show an updated VLAN Group table no
matter user add a new group or delete a VLAN group. The important thing is that port-based VLAN is valid
only within the same device; it will never be valid cross the devices. A default diagram is shown below.
Choose and click the ports you want to group. For example, choose port 1, port 2 and set their group ID 2, then
press “Apply”. After execution, diagram will be shown as below
AirLive Ether-GSHTW v2 / 8TW+v2 User’s Manual