Work equipment directive (AM-VO)
BGBL. II. Nr. 164/2000 igF.
General operating instructions for acety-
lene welding and cut ting equipment ac-
cording to § 26 para. 4 of the AM-VO.
Regulations that must be observed in
832.20 Federal Act on Accident Insu-
rance (AIA)
Art. 82 The employer is obligated to
take all the necessary steps to prevent
workplace accidents and occupational
diseases, which, according to experience,
are necessary, can be applied according
to the latest technology and are appropri-
ate for the respective circumstances.
822.11 Employment Act, EmpA
Art. 6 The employer is obligated to take
all the necessary steps to protect the
health of his employees, which, according
to experience, are necessary, can be ap-
plied according to the latest technology
and are appropriate for the respective
type of business.
832.30 Ordinance on the Prevention of
Accidents and Occupational Diseases
Art. 3 To safeguard occupational safety,
the employer must make all the arrange-
ments and protective measures that
correspond with the provisions of this
Ordinance and the other provisions ap-
plicable for his business governing oc-
cupational safety, as well as all other
recognized technical regulations relating
to safety and occupational health. The
employer must ensure that the effective-
ness of the protective measures and
protective devices are not compromised.
If buildings, parts of buildings, work
equipment (machines, apparatus, tools
or plants used at work) or work prac-
tices are changed or new substances
are being used, the employer must adapt
the protective measures and protective
devices to suit the new conditions.
Art. 6 The employer must ensure that
all employees working in his company,
including employees of another company,
are informed of the dangers involved in
their activities and are informed of the
measures to take in order to prevent them.
This information and instructions must be
relayed at the time the individual is hired
and on the occasion of every significant
change in the working conditions and re-
peated if necessary.
819.121 Ordinance on the Safety of
Pressure Equipment (Pressure Equipment
Regulation, DGV)
832.312.12 Ordinance on the Safety and
Health Protection of Workers in the Use
of Pressure Equipment (Use of Pressure
Equipment Ordinance, DGVV)
930.111 Ordinance on Product Safety