July, 2016
This part of the manual was designed to help you with any minor problems or repairs you
may have with your AIR KING Vacuum 1200 Series.
Problem: Vacuum will not start up. Check circuit breaker in building. If the breaker in the
building has not kicked out go out to the machine and do the following:
1. Check ground fault interrupter on Model K52 vacuum only. (Air
vacuum model K552 do not have ground fault interrupters). If reset button
is popped out this shows that there is a short of some kind in the machine.
Shut breaker off inside building and check for loose wire connections.
2. Extremely wet or humid weather conditions may affect vacuum
operation. Shut breaker off in building dry out machine and ground fault
interrupter. Spray all wire connections with a contact cleaner to protect
them from moisture. Do not spray any contact cleaner on or into the
ground fault interrupter. (Note K52 Models only)
3. After checking ground fault turn breaker in building on. Push reset
button on ground fault and start machine.
4. If machine still does not start and ground fault kicks out then check fuse
underneath the dome. (See parts identification section for location of fuse.
See page 8 for fuse replacement) Replace fuse push reset on ground fault
and start machine. If machine still does not start you may have a possible
bad vacuum motor or timer. Call American Products Inc for service.
5. Check for jammed coins in coin acceptor. Clear coins out if jammed.
6. Check coin switch on coin acceptor for bent or broken activation wire. If
bent straighten wire if broken replace.
Problem: Compressor will not start up K552 models only. Check circuit breaker in building,
if the beaker in the building has not kicked out shut off breaker and go out to the machine
and do the following;
1. Check fuse underneath the dome. (See parts identification section for
fuse location. See page 8 for fuse replacement) Replace fuse.
2. Turn circuit breaker back on and start Air Compressor side of air
vacuum. If compressor does not start you may have a short in the
compressor motor. Call American Products Inc for service.
3. Check for jammed coins in coin acceptor. Clear coins out if jammed.
4. Check coin switch on coin acceptor for bent or broken activation wire. If
bent straighten, if broken replace.