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                                                                          Technical documentation: 

MyChron 3 XG LOG 

– Version 1.07 



Once the logger installed and the sensors plugged in, to configure the logger,please use 


Studio 2

, the software developed by Aim to configure its instruments and analyze stored data. 


Please run 

Race Studio 2

, select “

M3 LOG / 


”, press “System manager” 

button and follow these steps: 




To correctly configure your 

MyChron 3 XG 


, please set all parameters reported in 

the configuration window shown in the 
previous figure: 



  Obscuring time and Number of splits. 

  Speed channel, wheel circumference 

and pulses per wheel revolution. 

  Channels and alarms concerning the 2 

display pages. 

  Gear channel: calculated or none 


1) Set the input channels 

Press “Channels” button to set the sensors 
installed on your car; this window appears. 


3) Transmit the configuration


  Once the input channels set and configured 

to transmit the configuration to the logger 
please press “OK” button and than 
“Transmit” button on the following wndow. 
Please note


 to transmit the configuration, 

the gauge must be switched on and 
connected to the PC, as shown in Figure 5. 

4) Calibrate/auto-calibrate sensors 

After configuration transmission you have 
to calibrate/auto-calibrate the sensors. 

To set an input channel, double-click on the cell 
corresponding to the desired one: the pop up 
window circled above appears. 

 “Potentiometer distance” and “Internal 

lateral accelerometer” sensors need auto-
calibration, while “Mid zero potentiometer”, 

2) How to configure the gauge 

Once set the desired input channels, press 
“Configuration” button to set all the other 
parameters. The window below appears. 

  “zero based potentiometer” and “on-board 

gear sensor” need calibration. Please press 
“Calibrate” button and this window appears 




G-force sensor and “potentiometer distance” 
sensor need to be auto-calibrated pressing 


5) Re-transmit the configuration 

Once the calibration/autocalibration has 
