MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02
2 – CAN Communication setup
MoTeC ECU are equipped with a CAN communication protocol whose standard setup is
shown here below.
Warning: if MoTeC communication cable is connected to the PC, this last one takes
priority and AIM logger will not receive data. It is thereby strongly recommended to
disconnect MoTeC communication cable after ECU configuration.
3 – Connecting MoTeC ECU with AIM logger
Connection of MoTeC ECU with AIM logger can be done in two ways: directly or using a
Deltron CAN connector (part number 716-0-0501 – following MoTeC documentation).
3.1 – Connecting MoTeC ECU directly to AIM logger
MoTeC M400-M600-M800 ECU are equipped with two male connectors: a 34 pins male
connector labelled “A” and a 26 pins male one labelled “B”, indicated in the image here