MoTeC M400-M600-M800
ECU Technical documentation
Release 1.02
has developed special applications for many of the most common ECU: by special
applications we mean user-friendly systems which allow to easily connect the vehicle ECU
to our hi-tech data loggers: user needs only to install harness between the
and the
Once connected, the logger displays (and/or records, depending on the model and on the
ECU data stream) values like RPM, engine load, throttle position (TPS), air and water
temperatures, battery voltage, speed, gear, lambda value (air/fuel ratio) analog channels...
All AIM loggers include – free of charge –
Race Studio 2
software, a powerful tool to
configure the system and analyze recorded data on your PC.
once the ECU is connected to the logger, it is necessary to set it in the logger
configuration in Race Studio 2 software. Select Manufacturer “MoTeC” and Model:
“M800-M600-M400” for firmware version up to 2.30S
“M800-M600-M400-1M” for firmware version 2.30S or later
“M800-M600-M400_1M-v3” from firmware version “3.x” onward.
Refer to Race Studio Configuration user manual for further information concerning
the loggers configuration.
As far as any further information concerning ECU firmware/software settings is
concerned, it is always recommended to address to your ECU dealer.