A-070336_EN • B_0821
Nesta 120 - 160 - 200 - 250
General Description
This floor-standing series of Nesta boilers consists of
compact, low-emission condensing appliances with a
pre-mix burner and a stainless steel heat exchanger.
The housing of the boiler is made of aluminium.
The fully radial burner ensures a high modulation ratio,
combustion stability and very low NOx emissions.
The stainless steel heat exchanger offers a high water
capacity and a large heat exchange surface to opti-
mise energy and heating efficiency.
This series is designed for heating systems and can
be used for indirect Domestic Hot Water production
(provided that the system contains an optional exter-
nal tank).
The appliances are built for natural gas (G20) but can
be converted by a qualified professional to operate
with either G25 natural gas or G31 liquefied petroleum
gas (propane), according to the procedure provided
with the boiler. Gas conversion must comply with ap-
plicable local regulations and standards.
Nesta boilers are able to control 3 heating circuits with
mixing functions, through 3 optional extension mod-
ules . Each extension module requires a power supply
and a bus connection. Refer to
“Optional Modules”
on page I-66
for more information.
These appliances
are not
provided with a built-in cir-
culating pump. Therefore, the hydraulic system must
be equipped with at least one pump for standard sys-
tem flow operation.
The Nesta boilers can be connected in a cascade
configuration, which means that the boilers are con-
nected to the same water circuit and electronic con-
troller, with one boiler operating as the master, and the
others as “slaves”). Refer to
“Boilers in a Cascade
System” on page I-67
for more information on cas-
cade system possibilities.
Frost Protection
The Nesta boilers have a built-in an ti-frost protec-
tion. The pump and the burner are started as re-
quired when the return water temperature drops
below 5°C (as measured by the boiler internal sen-
sor installed on the return circuit). The pump and/
or burner will turn off when the re turn temperature
reaches the required setpoint. The anti-frost pro-
tection function only protects the boiler, not the en-
tire system.
Safety Devices
The Nesta boilers are equipped with a series of
sensors and switches that provide safety for your
appliance and heating system, such as:
Water circuit temperature sensors (supply, re-
turn, system, etc.)
Burner plate temperature limit switch
Gas pressure switch
Air pressure switch
Flue pressure switch
Water pressure sensor
Flue temperature sensor
Condensate level switch
Alarm contacts
The Nesta boilers
are not
provided with the follow-
ing mandatory safety equipment that the installer
must place in the system:
Expansion tank, suitable for the system size,
Safety group, composed of a safety valve (pres-
sure rating adapted to the system), an automatic
air relief valve and a manometer,
Air relief valve(s), at the high point(s) of the sys-
Optional equipment
Some optional equipment can be used with the
Nesta boilers. Please contact your AIC Europe rep-
resentative for more information and a list of availa-
ble equipment.
To lengthen the life of your boiler and heating sys-
tem, in addition to the recommended water char-
acteristics described in
“Water Quality Require-
ments to Prevent Scaling and Corrosion in a
Heating System” on page I-33,
the following
equipment can be installed in the heating circuit:
Water filter
Dirt separator
Low loss header
Plate heat exchanger
Air separator
“Requirements for the Hydraulic Connec-
tions” on page I-32
for more information on this