A-070336_EN • B_0821
Fig. 1. Boiler Packaged for Transport ...........................G-8
Fig. 2. Data Plate - Typical ..............................................G-8
Fig. 3. Nesta 120-160 Boiler Components - Front
and Rear Views ................................................. G-10
Fig. 4. Nesta 200-250 Boiler Components - Front
and Rear Views ................................................. G-11
Fig. 5. Control Panel ..................................................... G-12
Fig. 6. Typical Display ................................................... G-13
Fig. 7. Single Boiler Clearances .................................. G-15
Fig. 8. Clearances for Cascaded Boilers ................... G-15
Fig. 9. Boiler transport and Installation .........................I-30
Fig. 10. Removing/Installing the Access Panels ............I-31
Fig. 11. Typical Heating System ......................................I-35
Fig. 12. Cascaded Boilers, with External Domestic
Hot Water Tank and Plate Heat Exchanger ......I-36
Fig. 13. Cascaded Boilers, with External Domestic
Hot Water Tank and Low Loss Header .............I-37
Fig. 14. Silencer removal from storage ...........................I-41
Fig. 15. Silencer installation ..............................................I-41
Fig. 16. Accessing the Gas Valve ....................................I-45
Fig. 17. Gas Valves - Pre-adjustments for Propane .....I-45
Fig. 18. Fan Speed Adjustment - Typical Screen ..........I-46
Fig. 19. Combustion Adjustment - Control Panel .........I-47
Fig. 20. Combustion Adjustment on Gas Valves...........I-48
Fig. 21. Accessing the Low Voltage Terminals and
Electronic Board ..................................................I-50
Fig. 22. Accessing the High Voltage Terminals ..............I-51
Fig. 23. Routing the Electrical Cables .............................I-51
Fig. 24. Filling the System - Typical .................................I-54
Fig. 25. Draining the Boiler - Typical ................................I-58
Fig. 26. Cleaning the Condensate Pipe and Trap..........I-59
Fig. 27. Removing and Installing the Electrodes ...........I-62
Fig. 28. Removing and Installing the Burner ..................I-63
Fig. 29. Cleaning the Combustion Chamber .................I-64
Fig. 30. Replacing the Gas Valve Filter ...........................I-64
Fig. 31. Testing the Air Pressure Switch and Flue
Pressure Switch ...................................................I-65
Fig. 32. Optional Modules and Cable Hub .....................I-66
Fig. 33. Cascading Module ..............................................I-66
Fig. 34. Web Server Module.............................................I-66
Fig. 35. Principles of Cascade .........................................I-67
Fig. 36. Cascading Module ..............................................I-67
Fig. 37. Cascade System with Plate Heat Exchanger .I-68
Fig. 38. Cascade System with Low Loss Header ........I-69