Chapter 1 Product Features
J2024-04 is a highly commendable NVMe JBOF that is specifically designed
to accommodate diverse corporations and enterprises who pursue flexibility
and high speed performance. This product supports hotswap designs and is
easily deployed for your benefit.
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup
This chapter displays an easy installation guide for assembling the main
components of the JBOF. Utmost caution for proceeding to set up the
hardware is highly advised. Do not endanger yourself by placing the device
in an unstable environment. The consequences for negligent actions may be
extremely severe.
Chapter 3 BMC Configuration Settings
This chapter illustrates the diverse functions of BMC, including the details on
logging into the web page and assorted definitions for dashboard, firmware
information, and many more.
Chapter 4 Technical Support
For more information or suggestion, please verify and contact the nearest AIC
corporation representative in your district or visit the AIC website:
. It is our pleasure to provide the best service for
our customers.
About This Manual