Chapter 3. BMC Configuration Settings
J2024-04 User Manual
VLAN ID cannot be changed without resetting the VLAN configuration.
VLAN ID 0, 1, 4095 are reserved VLAN ID's.
VLAN Priority
Specify the priority for VLAN configuration.
• Value ranges from 1 to 7.
7 is the highest priority for VLAN.
Click ‘Save’ to save any changes made. You will be prompted to log out of
the current UI session and log back in at the new IP address.
Click ‘Reset’ to reset the modified changes. Network Link
This page is used to configure the network link option for the available
network interfaces.
LAN Interface
Select the network interface from the list for which the Link speed and duplex
mode are to be configured.
Auto Negotiation
This option is enabled to allow the device to perform automatic configuration
to achieve the best possible mode of operation (speed and duplex) over a