Congratulations on your purchase of a ZoomText Large-
Print Keyboard, with easy typing and quick access to
ZoomText 9.
Your new ZoomText keyboard features large-print
keycaps that are easy to see, even in low light – allowing
for fast, accurate typing and reduced eyestrain. The
ZoomText keyboard also includes 16 dedicated keys
providing fast one-touch access to ZoomText’s most
important features.
With the ZoomText feature keys you can…
Start ZoomText
Display the ZoomText toolbar
Zoom in and out to any magnification level
Activate colour, pointer and cursor enhancements
Launch ZoomText’s Desktop and Web Finders
Toggle speech on and off and adjust the reading rate
Launch ZoomText’s AppReader, DocReader and
SpeakIt tools
Activate typing echo and mouse echo.
You can also assign the ZoomText feature keys to other
ZoomText commands, your favourite Internet and
multimedia commands, or to open a program, web page
or document.