10. Measured data acquisition
10.2 Offline measurement
For offline measuring operations, i.e. data logging in the device itself, either the
device's own 8-MB flash memory or an external memory connector with a mi-
cro SD card must be used.
It is an indispensable prerequisite that the following parameters be configured :
1. Date, time-of-day
2. Cycle or scan cycle with saving to memory activated
3. Sleep mode, possibly
The easiest way to do this is by means of our ALMEMO
Control software, in
menu <Program device> and <Measured value memory - Save to memory>.
start and stop a measuring operation
on site there are numerous me-
thods available. (see Man. 6.6)
1. Press the
key (2) on the device.
2. Program the start date and time-of-day and then either the end date and
time-of-day or the fixed measuring period. (see Man. 6.6.2)
3. Reaction in the event of a limit value being overshot or undershot (
see Man.6.6.3
4. Triggering in response to electrical signals (see Man. 6.6.4)
The status of a measuring operation and of data recording can easily be traced
by watching the LEDs. (see 9.2)
read out the measured data
select ALMEMO
Control menu item <De-
vices - Measured value memory>. (see Man. 6.9.3) Here you can transfer to a
file on the PC either the complete memory or parts of it selected according to
date or by number; the device memory can then be cleared.
10.2.1 Sleep mode
For long-term monitoring involving long measuring cycles where power is sup-
plied by rechargeable or normal battery the measuring instrument can also be
operated in sleep mode. In energy-saving sleep mode the measuring instru-
ment switches off after each measuring point scan and switches on again auto-
matically after the cycle expires ready for the next measuring point scan. In this
way, with just one battery recharge, it is possible to perform up to 30,000 mea-
suring point scans; with a cycle lasting 5 minutes this represents a total runtime
of over 100 days.
For data recording in sleep mode go to ALMEMO
Control <Device program-
ming> and take the following steps:
1. Enter a cycle lasting at least two minutes.
2. Activate saving to memory in the cycle.
3. Switch sleep mode on.
4. Start measuring operation as normal; the device should then switch off auto-
matically; as a check the LED 'ON' (3) should flash rhythmically on and off.